Friday, July 3, 2015


Exodus 15:1-24; Exodus 16:4;
Deuteronomy 32;
Revelation 11 and Revelation 15:3
By Reverend Patricia Ann Sunday
His Handmaiden

          Those of us who are ‘ready’ will soon be singing the Song of the Lamb found in Revelation 1:3. There are three Songs of Moses in the Bible.  But the Third Song which represents the Third Day represents when Jesus/Yeshua comes back for His Bride Church. That is why it is not only called the Song of Moses but also the Song of the Lamb. 

Interesting how these were placed in the Bible.   Exodus 15 is a picture of Moses leading the people out of Egypt into the Wilderness (of the world) and Revelation 15 is a picture of Jesus the Lamb (Yeshua) leading His people out of the Wilderness of the world into their rightful Kingship with Him in Heaven. Exodus begins the Bible and Revelation ends the Bible. What takes place in Deuteronomy 32 is what happens to the church and the world on the Wilderness Journey through the TEST of this lower material world. 

          Exodus 15 at the beginning tells us in verse 2, that the LORD JEHOVAH/YHVH/YENON/HNON … (GET THIS! LISTEN)  …BECAME OUR SAVIOR.   This is a future picture of how God Himself came down from Heaven to become a Man called the Son of God. He was not just the Son of God. He became the Son of Man. You have to have Spiritual Discernment to see how this happened.  He was not born of the seed of mankind, but the seed of Heaven…and a NEW CREATION.  So when you become ‘born again’, you also become a new creation and the seed of Heaven.

          In verse 8, we find that just as in Genesis when God breathed out the material world he also by His nostrils piled up the flood waters so that the sea became dry for His Children to come out of Egypt, which for us represents the world.  And just as verses nine and ten say that they will overtake them and kill them…the Lord God says, “ NO, You will not”, and not only were His Children taken out, but the evil ones were killed.  Likewise with the story of Noah and the story of Lot,  the Lord God was the victor, and Satan and his hordes were defeated.

          In Verses 25 and 26…the Lord teaches us that this world is a TEST.  Our test is on God’s laws and ordinances.  Verse 27 teaches us that if we harken to his Voice (Trumpet/Shofar), and if we will keep His commandments, He promises that none of the plagues of Egypt will come upon us. The last verse 27 takes place in Heaven where we then will be camping out with the Lord in Peace.

Now let’s look at Deuteronomy 32…the Second Song of Moses.  This is a picture of YOM KIPPUR at the end of time but also shows us why the end is going to come about.  This is a hidden revelation and matches up with Revelation 11:1-14.   Right now we are in the Latter Rain.  The early rain came as Jesus left the earth and His mission was revealed to His Apostles and the Bible was eventually produced. The Bible itself was written by the Hand of God.  No man could have put this all together so PERFECTLY AND INTRICATELY.

The Latter Rain is now falling upon those chosen servants whom He has called for this last Moses walk.  Rain is the water of the word…the fountain of living waters flowing from Immanuel’s veins.  In verse 2 the showers fall on the grass (which is another term used for mankind) who are withered, tired and need these times of refreshing. Verse 13 tells us that we are to suck honey out of the Rock…. meaning we are to search out the sweet revelations found in the Word of God.

This chapter is a picture of the past and the future in one place.  Then, and we can see it now, out of the Catholic Vatican and all other denominations, that worshipping anything other than the Living God Yeshua/Jesus, is called STRANGE FIRE.  Verse 16 says they made HIM ANGRY with the other gods….strange gods.  It teaches us that these were not the gods that your fathers worshipped, but NEW gods, and they are sacrificing to demons.  He says this generation has no faith.  This means faith in the True God.  Because people have faith in faith…faith in themselves…faith in the Catholic Church but they have NO FAITH in HIM…and from them He will turn away.  From verse 23 on, He says He will send His Arrows at them.   The devil sends darts, but God sends the arrows and darts are no match for arrows.   He then delineates what his arrows are and you will find that we are now experiencing these in greater measure than any other time in the history of the world.  His arrows are: hunger; delivering them up to evil spirits, vultures and wild beasts as well as the poison of serpents which creep in the dust.  Serpents is a reference to men or mankind not snakes. The serpents are devils that creep into the person who is made of dust.  You will have the sword outside and in your homes terror from your own family, as they turn you over to the tormenters instead of helping you, or praying for you.

Verse 30 tells us that God has hemmed them in…and delivered them to their enemies and He tells us in verse 32 who did it!  So WHO did it?  What was the dividing line for God?  He says they are the vine of Sodom and Gomorrah.  In other words…these are the offspring in the hereditary line of Cain and Satan.  This line began the Days of Lot on June 26, 2015 in America and our doom is sealed…there is no turning back.  He goes on to say that their venom is the venom of dragons (devils).  The Lord says that the VENGENCE IS HIS AND HE IS ABOUT TO REPAY THEM.  HE SAYS HE WILL MAKE HIS ARROWS DRUNK WITH THEIR BLOOD.  This clearly states that a blood bath is coming not only to America, but also the world because they have all forsaken Him. There is about to come a terrible war like mankind has never seen in all the earth.

In Chapter 33 you will see that before his death Moses says that the Lord HAD ALREADY COME WITH 10,000’S OF HIS SAINTS AT HIS RIGHT HAND.  Most of the church teaches that this is when the Lord comes back at the Second Coming.  So this teaching must have another meaning than that. What is the Lord saying then and now?   Jude 1:14 says Enoch prophesied the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of His Holy Ones.  So this was it in Moses time.  Then for the end times Revelation 5:11 says Ten Thousands of Ten Thousands.  So we see with the more time that transpires on earth the more that the Lord has increased the numbers until that number is completed. And the most important thing was the Lords coming was NOT seen even though it is reported that they did indeed come. This time the Lord comes with His Saints for the last Saints, and it will be a visible coming, for this is the Song of the Lamb Jesus/Yeshua. This time He will not just take care of His Saints ON the earth but take His Saints OFF the earth.

Next we go to Revelation 5:11 for more information on the Song of Moses and the Lamb.  There are ten thousand of ten thousand standing around the Throne in Heaven. There is planning going on here.  When Jesus went back to Heaven after His Resurrection He sat on His Throne and began to unseal the Book of Revelation.   Each Seal was a Church Age.  We are now under the Seventh Seal.  My teachings on this are available in my books and videos.   The Lord gave me more revelation when He opened the revelation of the Little Book of Revelation Ten, which was a book within a book. 

Now we go to Revelation 11:1-14.  I have spoken of this also in other teachings, but a good and important word bears repeating…and this is very important. It is your LIFE.  The Olive Tree represents the Messianic Jewish believers who are actually living in Israel.  The Candlesticks represent the Menorahs and are the Christian Believers scattered all over the world.   Under the Seventh Seal comes the Sixth Angel and the bowls are poured out on the world. But, the Bride Church goes to Heaven at the Second Woe, which falls BEFORE the Sixth Angel. 

In Revelation 11:11 we find dead bodies lying in the streets of Jerusalem.  These are 144,000 people that are killed when Jerusalem is invaded at the beginning of WWIII, which is about to happen shortly.  As Moses served His calling of the Lord…then died before he could enter the Promised Land, so will the remnant we find in Revelation 11.  There are 144,000 literal people in Israel that were “born to die as sacrificial lambs”, and this happens on Yom Kippur.   I get a little wild sometimes to most people and preachers, but I tell things as I see what God gives me.  These 144,000 literal souls were saved out for this purpose and never saw death just as Enoch and Elijah did not see death.  These were taken alive when Jesus was Resurrected.  I have the teaching on this in other places.

Their bodies will not be buried and people around the world will send gifts.  Revelation 11:11  is a double synchronic of 11:11  WHICH is God’s number for LISTEN…LISTEN…AS HE CALLS THE NAME OF HIS PEOPLE TWICE AS HE DID SAMUEL.  Everyone will hear his own name and rise from the dead in the sight of those watching.  This scares the HELL out of a lot of people who will all of a sudden see and know who the Lord really was. They give Glory to God, but for them it is too late to make this sheep pen.  But these will be the new apostles for those left on the earth for the next seven thousand year cycle of time.  These people will flee in order to save their lives. Caves and dens are already prepared for those who know war is coming, but those who have grabbed the Lifeline will not have to go through the worst of what is about to come upon the earth.   SHALOM

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